Vikingard Alliance Lost Angels

The most important rules and info about Lost Angels

The Lost Angels

Server: Europe-S76
Alliance Leader:
  • Lathgertha (Lead)
  • Thor Halvar(Co-Lead)
  • Gee(Co-Lead)
  • Akira(Co-lead)
  • Kopax(Co-Lead)
Allianz Discord Server:
Always up to date info and more on our Discord server!
Please ask one of our (Co-)leaders for access to the server.
Download it here if you don`t already have Discord: To Discord Download

Admission criteria

The following admission criteria apply to Lost Angels

  • Fun game
  • Activity
  • Language German or English
  • Be respectful and polite, including in public chats
  • Accepting and complying with our guild rules

Alliance rules

    §1 - General rules in the game
    1. Decency and courtesy in all chats must be observed at all times. Insults and disputes by the Angels will not be tolerated!
    2. Activity is expected. If you can´t be online for a long time (accident, illness, vacation, etc.) simply let a (co-)leader know. Then your place will be safe with us! Anyone who is offline for more than 3 days without an excuse must expect to be "replaced"!
    3. Check Alliance chat regularly. Especially during an Alliance Battle!!! There are always important tactical hints and strategies. Of course, everyone can express their ideas and suggestions at any time in the alliance chat.
    4. It would be nice if everyone used our alliance`s prefix. You can find it under Alliance-->Administration-->Prefix, you can change it once for free in the alliance. Please note that the maximum character length of 15 characters is not exceeded. The alliance prefix alone requires 6 characters. If someone has problems with the character length, you are welcome to do it with the curly brackets {LA}, then it`s only 4 characters.
    5. The instructions of the (co-)leader must be followed.

    §2 - Alliance Raid
    1. Please use ALL your attacks.
    2. Everyone please provide a strong support team.
    3. Please MAKE SURE that others have the opportunity to use the support heroes! Until 9:00 p.m. only a limited number of support heroes may be used depending on their combat strength. After 21.00 the rest can be used.
      Up to 25 million combat power maximum 12 support heroes.
      Up to 50 million combat power maximum 9 support heroes.
      More than 100 million combat power maximum 6 support heroes.

    §3 - Notice Board Quests
    1. Please do not block the quest line. Blocking means you accept a quest, realize you can`t do it and then do something else.
    2. If you notice that you can`t do this quest right now, you can simply cancel it so that someone else can do it.

    §4 - Group Events & Activities
    1. All activities where you also need other players should of course first be done with players from our alliance. E.g. island trade, mine ruins, events etc.
    2. If you have heirs, it would be nice to ask in the alliance chat first before giving them to "others".

    §5 - Alliance Battle
    1. Registration: If possible, please register everyone.
    2. Preparation: During the preparation phase, please do all Luen`s Flame Tokens quest and throw the tokens into the fire as well. A corresponding number of places will then be activated.
    3. Battle day: If you`re not comfortable with it, please don`t just attack randomly. It`s better to ask or read in the alliance chat. We write again and again what our goal is. In addition, we also have an Alliance War Channel here in Discord where basic information about the current fight is posted. If an opponent is too strong, we take it with dignity. No one can always win, but we always try our best